The Squeaker of the U.S. House of Bribe-Taking Sluts, Mike’s Johnson, has invited mass-murdering Zionist pud-puller Bibi Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. As if this pudgy albino ballsack were our fucking president, for shit’s sake.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid…
This news is just the fucking frosting on the cake of stupidity the Christo-Fascist Party (CFP—formerly Republican) is currently serving to its moronic, white-racist, God-fearing minions. And it makes perfect sense from the CFP’s point of view.
You see, the CFP has always attempted to rule by dividing Americans into more easily manipulatable groups. Ever since Bacon’s Rebellion (1676-1677) when Virginia planters, America’s de facto ruling class at the time, realized they could put down a revolt of slaves and indentured servants simply by treating white rebels better than their colored peers.
In other words, they used racism to divide and conquer.
The same divide-and-conquer game is afoot with Johnson’s invite to Bibi. Just as this technique has been in play for many years domestically, as the CFP raises emotional issues – like abortion, LGBTQ, green M&Ms, and an endless list of other pointless “hot-button” issues that really serve no national purpose – and certainly not the fiscal welfare of individual voters – other than to separate the emotional morons from the smaller number of rational Americans.
Thus does the CFP, which exists solely to serve the morbidly wealthy and their corporate shadow government, maintain some semblance of legitimacy in what was supposed to be a democratic republic. They sucker emotional morons – the MAGAdonians these days – into voting against their own political and financial interests by running these stupid emotional issues up the flagpole for the brainless dumbshits to salute.
Millions of mentally challenged, poorly educated – Donald Dump says he “loves” the poorly educated – white racist, Christo-Fascist wingnuts, and assorted failed white Americans just gobble up the emotionally resentful crap the CFP has been spewing for many years now. Apparently, it’s so tough being a white Christian—especially a stupid one—in today’s America. And stupid people just love blaming others for their own personal failures to thrive. (When they should really be blaming the CFP, which has tirelessly worked against the interests of ordinary Americans even well before their ersatz knight in shining armor, Ronnie Ray-gun, assumed the presidency in 1981 and began an endless war against our nation’s once-strong middle class while engaged in the so-called “Southern Strategy,” which amounted to the denigration and persecution of black people to gain the support of white, Southern voters.)
What will happen if Bibi pulls off a repeat of his 2015 address to a joint Congressional session during the Obama Administration? Netanyahu failed to consult with Obama before that one, so it appeared to be a massive snub to America’s first black president. Just as it was meant to be.
You see, the CFP and their counterparts – the Judeo-fascist cabal in Zionist Israel – are now clearly working hand-in-hand to destroy democracy. Actually, America’s grasping assholes don’t really give a shit about democracy; they just want to pay zero in taxes while controlling the nation for their ongoing, eternal benefit.
What America’s Christo-fascists are counting on this time around is that Bibi’s appearance will further divide the American People. They’re hoping his visit will trigger demonstrations and outrage, which the CFP will use to more clearly delineate the divide between Americans who long for and support white rule versus those who still long for an egalitarian democracy as our Enlightenment forebears intended.
Unlike Bibi’s disrespectful, ego-driven appearance before Congress the last time around, this visit – if he’s stupid and arrogant enough to go ahead with it – will lead directly to his death and to Israel’s utter destruction.
The CFP is gambling Bibi’s appearance will inspire MAGA morons to “rally ‘round God ‘n’ Flag” in an unthinking, knee-jerk emotional response common among stupid people. But they’re also hoping the resistance and outrage triggered by this mass-murdering scumbag on American soil will somehow prove to a majority of American voters that the CFP is the patriotic choice for idiots who “love freedom,” or “god and country,” or simply “shoving it to the wogs,” or whatever.
But this could get really interesting.
The Judeo-Fascist Party currently controlling Israel, and the Christo-Fascist Party currently attempting to install permanent totalitarianism and eternal white rule in the U.S. are both doomed to failure. As is the nation of Israel itself.
Keeping in mind the old saw that timing is everything, let’s say Bibi agrees to appear before Congress. Even though it’s not a done deal, you can bet Islamic terrorist organizations are already sensing a golden opportunity:
What better place to pop a blood-swollen tick like Bibi than right in the middle of the violent, extremely well-armed United States, the nation that practically invented daily, wholesale bloody slaughter of innocent minorities and school children? It’s like the perfect Broadway stage setting for a spectacular extravaganza of blood.
Bombs, short-range missiles, drones, and machine guns, anyone? And killing this Zionist jizz-dribbling prick on American soil would send a powerful message to the world:
“Death to tyrants.”
In a more perfect world, with citizens who have not been beaten down and endlessly propagandized by their ultra-wealthy overlords, “Death to tyrants” would be the American motto, and not the vacuous and stupid “In God We Trust,” which the CFP tyrants placed on our money back in the commie-fearing 1950s, supplanting our real motto, “E pluribus unum.” What Bibi’s assassination on American soil will prove to the world is that revenge is sweet and that imposing judgment upon those guilty of corruption and mass murder can be wonderfully entertaining. Morally instructive, even.
Allahu Akbar! dudes.
Depending on the choice of weapons, thinking Americans will be appalled or secretly amused. It all depends on the corpse count after this necessary, and even admirable, deed is accomplished. Thus, it would behoove the bringers of justice to employ precision in their attack, at least when it comes to non-CFP collateral victims.
And after Bibi is smeared like the sack of shit he is across America’s front-parlor carpet, Israel itself will undergo a roiling unrest as it shakes itself to pieces, with the ultra-right wing attempting to seize control, the religious wingnut faction (about 20 percent of the population) making stupid, unhelpful comments from the sidelines, and ordinary, thinking people fleeing the country for the promise of much better lives elsewhere. Perhaps then, and only then, will the idiot Zionists realize the profound gravitational force that stupidity exerts on humanity, pulling all those within its influence into darkness and eternal death.
The United States, on the other hand, will probably be forced to endure roughly a decade of totalitarian rule before we slaughter every single self-righteous, Jesus-loving piece of racist shit shilling for the morbidly wealthy. God, that will be a great and wonderful day.
Like the Second Coming, only real.